Josh leyva

Or its just a joke
i dont think there was ill intent but its still ignorant
especially since he identifies as str8 - he doesnt share in the struggles of gay men, so him using the worst caricature of gay men to gain followers or money is very problematic.

do i think hes homophobic, prolly not - but to some it can still come off as him making fun of super effeminate men - its like when a white comedian keeps using racial jokes in their set - yes its a joke but u onbviously think that its true to some degree if ur joking about it to a group of people

just as u are free to joke about something because we have the first amendment, doesnt negate the audience's ability to criticize it or feel some type of way
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Speaking as a Black man, i think you feel too much of a type away. Moreover, im noticing alot of guys in the Gay community are too pressed bout this and str8t men doing gay for pay or gay porn.

Its like cultural appropriation to u guys and I'm like its not that deep. Your getting offended or minor things and treating it as a hate crime.

Its not that deep. U can feel how u feel and i and others can feel your being ridiculous.

And point of fact, there are many white comedians who can do black comedy without pissing off a black audience.

Alot of gays might just be too sensitive.
i dont think there was ill intent but its still ignorant
especially since he identifies as str8 - he doesnt share in the struggles of gay men, so him using the worst caricature of gay men to gain followers or money is very problematic.

do i think hes homophobic, prolly not - but to some it can still come off as him making fun of super effeminate men - its like when a white comedian keeps using racial jokes in their set - yes its a joke but u onbviously think that its true to some degree if ur joking about it to a group of people

just as u are free to joke about something because we have the first amendment, doesnt negate the audience's ability to criticize it or feel some type of way
Nah, mocking and joking are two different things.

One is done with ill intent and one is comedy or jest.

And it does make it ok. U can not like that type of comedy but there's nothing out of bounds about it.

Otherwise, vast majority of comedy would be put out to pastute.
It can be both. U just don’t understand what mocking is. It’s usually in a comedic/joking context. Doesn’t make it ok.

It can be both. U just don’t understand what mocking is. It’s usually in a comedic/joking context. Doesn’t make it ok.
Speaking as a Black man, i think you feel too much of a type away. Moreover, im noticing alot of guys in the Gay community are too pressed bout this and str8t men doing gay for pay or gay porn.

Its like cultural appropriation to u guys and I'm like its not that deep. Your getting offended or minor things and treating it as a hate crime.

Its not that deep. U can feel how u feel and i and others can feel your being ridiculous.

And point of fact, there are many white comedians who can do black comedy without pissing off a black audience.

Alot of gays might just be too sensitive.
people getting offended is no different than your reaction here
clearly, people being bothered by it DEEPLY bothers you.
people getting offended is no different than your reaction here
clearly, people being bothered by it DEEPLY bothers you.
Yeah it does.

Its a very weird sentiment that i notice in some gays.

Especially on this site and other social media.

Y'all be offended and up in arms over str8t men not showing dicks as though u have a right to that. Y'all be mad when they do show dicks and it aunt to your liking. When they refuse to have gay sex. When they're str8t in gay porn.

And now Josh old comedy. Y'all be offended by str8t men talking about gay stuff. Y'all be offended gay jokes.

Y'all being mad about this stuff is like somebody being mad that someone planted trees in their own garden.

Y'all be ready to call civil rights lawyers over tjings that seem so ridiculius small. Like Josh hay charcter. Its a ridiculous worldview that has permeiated yals culture.

My only conclusion is y'all are still hurt as a community; haven't healed and now get so offended by mundane things.

Y'all really treat it like cultural appropriation. As though someone has sinned against talks community.

Its silly.

But since y'all wanna post about it ill post about how silly it is.
Josh never said what his intent was. You’re assuming it wasn’t to mock. I never said the comedy was out of bounds. Homophobia is rampant amongst men and accepted. I said I didn’t like it and found it offensive/homophobic. You don’t have to agree with me but that doesn’t mean I’m definitively incorrect.

Btw ur a hypocrite. Your offended at me being offended. My outlook bothers u.

Just because it wasn’t a hate crime doesn’t mean what he did wasn’t regressive and offensive.
"Im assuming it wasn't to mock"?


Why are you assuming it was to mock!!! That's a mighty reach!!!!


And im not offended by your outlook. I find it to be ridiculous and said so.
Yeah it does.

Its a very weird sentiment that i notice in some gays.

Especially on this site and other social media.

Y'all be offended and up in arms over str8t men not showing dicks as though u have a right to that. Y'all be mad when they do show dicks and it aunt to your liking. When they refuse to have gay sex. When they're str8t in gay porn.

And now Josh old comedy. Y'all be offended by str8t men talking about gay stuff. Y'all be offended gay jokes.

Y'all being mad about this stuff is like somebody being mad that someone planted trees in their own garden.

Y'all be ready to call civil rights lawyers over tjings that seem so ridiculius small. Like Josh hay charcter. Its a ridiculous worldview that has permeiated yals culture.

My only conclusion is y'all are still hurt as a community; haven't healed and now get so offended by mundane things.

Y'all really treat it like cultural appropriation. As though someone has sinned against talks community.

Its silly.

But since y'all wanna post about it ill post about how silly it is.
seems like youre the snowflake here whos just as offended as those youre calling out
Yeah it does.

Its a very weird sentiment that i notice in some gays.

Especially on this site and other social media.

Y'all be offended and up in arms over str8t men not showing dicks as though u have a right to that. Y'all be mad when they do show dicks and it aunt to your liking. When they refuse to have gay sex. When they're str8t in gay porn.

And now Josh old comedy. Y'all be offended by str8t men talking about gay stuff. Y'all be offended gay jokes.

Y'all being mad about this stuff is like somebody being mad that someone planted trees in their own garden.

Y'all be ready to call civil rights lawyers over tjings that seem so ridiculius small. Like Josh hay charcter. Its a ridiculous worldview that has permeiated yals culture.

My only conclusion is y'all are still hurt as a community; haven't healed and now get so offended by mundane things.

Y'all really treat it like cultural appropriation. As though someone has sinned against talks community.

Its silly.

But since y'all wanna post about it ill post about how silly it is.
Kinda silly to be policing what people find to be offensive or not.
I mean whether intentional or not the gay character was kinda homophobic, especially since he admitted it was a character based on people he knew in real life.
I haven't seen his characters, but why is it homophobic to base them on gay people he knew? If a gay man does a drag character based on the women in his life is that sexist?
I haven't seen his characters, but why is it homophobic to base them on gay people he knew? If a gay man does a drag character based on the women in his life is that sexist?
First of all, if you haven’t even seen the character why are you speaking up

Not even close to an accurate comparison. Drag is a form of self expression, Josh took exaggerated characteristics from a group of people that he’s not a part of to make a character whose whole personality was twerking and liking to suck dick.
First of all, if you haven’t even seen the character why are you speaking up

Not even close to an accurate comparison. Drag is a form of self expression, Josh took exaggerated characteristics from a group of people that he’s not a part of to make a character whose whole personality was twerking and liking to suck dick.
I asked a question. Drag is also a form of exaggerated characteristics of a group of people they aren't a part of.
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I asked a question. Drag is also a form of exaggerated characteristics of a group of people they aren't a part of.
100% agree that drag is a little minstrel-y but that is NOT a popular opinion.

Frankly I don't think the 2 situations are that different
I think all this talk about him being homophobic because of skits he did over a decade ago is a severe reach. It was a different time. This generation is wildly sensitive. This is just my opinion though. Please don’t get you feathers too ruffled over it.
I think all this talk about him being homophobic because of skits he did over a decade ago is a severe reach. It was a different time. This generation is wildly sensitive. This is just my opinion though. Please don’t get you feathers too ruffled over it.
I am "this generation" and I think this discussion in particular is just ridiculous. Since those skits which seemingly were not even homophobic, has he ever said or done anything at all that is homophobic? Not that I've seen. This is offense for the sake of it. Please stop doing this, it's what keeps letting bigots undermine actually offensive shit.
Y'all share,i respond.

Not all responses cosign.

Some dissent.

This is called communication on public forrum.
Sure, but you can’t tell someone how they should or shouldn’t feel about something. You can dissent about whether you personally felt chilly this afternoon when everyone else was warm, but not tell them they’re all wrong for thinking they were warm.
Sure, but you can’t tell someone how they should or shouldn’t feel about something. You can dissent about whether you personally felt chilly this afternoon when everyone else was warm, but not tell them they’re all wrong for thinking they were warm.
I didn't tell u how to feel.

I said it was ridiculous. And i said why.

You seem to be talking to yourself now.
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